Hello Friends,
I always looked forward to summer because it meant that things would slow down,
but it seems that summer can be busier than the rest of the year. We have a lot
going on this summer. The staff, parish council, and finance council are preparing
for Vizio day, which is a conference led by the Archdiocese to help us work on the
vision for the parish. The staff also have a couple of other conferences this summer
including one that evaluates the strengths of our staff members. We need to catch
ourselves up on the first two phases and prepare for the next phase of Beacons of
Phase one is the leadership phase, which is about building our leadership
team and working on our staff structure so that we can better utilize our resources.
Phase Two is Vision, where we as a family, create our vision for the future. We are
working hard on completing those two phases and preparing for the third phase
which is Culture. The culture phase will enable the Family Leadership Team and
other leaders to align their strategies and activities with the vision of the Family.
This is where we work on the culture of our parish by offering different
opportunities for catechesis and other education so that coupled with prayer and
other spiritual nourishment we can become missionary disciples.
One of the most important parts of what we are doing is to get to know one
another better so that we may strengthen the Body of Christ. We are always busy
working on events for our family to come together. If you have any suggestions,
please let us know. You can put it in an envelope in the collection basket, turn it
into the office, or email me at [email protected]. Just a reminder, July 14 th is the
parish picnic and September 28 th is Oktoberfest. We also have The Chosen Bible
Study every Wednesday evening at Visitation Hall through the end of July. There is
always something to do in our parishes and that is always going to be a priority for
us. The Church is not a place but a people. Jesus calls us to come together to praise
and worship Him, but also to socialize and build positive relationships with one
God Bless!
Fr. Jim
On the right or below, you will find a video of the Mass Times Survey Results & Mass Schedule Options. Please watch and review the information. We are most grateful for more than 200+ responses that gave us solid data to derive these Mass Schedule Options.
On the weekend of March 25/26 at every Mass, we will have a ballot with these Mass Schedule Options. Please note, the "Yellow" highlighted areas indicate the changes from Option A. On that weekend, the parish will take a poll and get from those in attendance the top two recommendations. Please rank them "1"=Top Recommendation and "2"=Second Recommendation.
Thanks to everyone for their responses so far and please continue to pray, think, and give us your best recommendations for the future Mass Schedule to start in July of 2023.
Welcome to this update for the Beacons of Light process. Here is the current reality report compiled by Fr. David Doseck for the parishioners. Together we are going through the Phase "0" where we learn, prepare, and pray toward becoming the C-1 Family of Parishes on July 1, 2022.
See the links and documents below. Please note the "Volunteer" signups online for the three things we need help with to be more welcoming. Signup if you are able to help in any way. Thanks!
God Bless all of You!
Fr. David Doseck
N.B. -- Everyone is able to email me comments and/or questions at [email protected]