All parishioners are encouraged to make their best pot of chili to share.
February 23
Enter our chili cook off (Bring by 2:00 pm), Judged by popular vote (4:00 pm),
Crowning the Chili Champion at 5:00 pm.
St. Valentine’s Day Party
Visitation of the BVM, Eaton Ohio
Adults join us for Drinks & Appetizers Upstairs
& Kids head to the basement for pizza, games and crafts. (Supervision will be provided)
Singles and Couples $5 and Families $10
RSVP by Feb 11.
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 9:00 am,
followed by the Rosary and meditations, to make reparation for offenses committed against the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Confession will be available from 8:15-8:45am.
Questions? Call Debbie Coleman:
February 8 at Visitation of the BVM, Eaton
All are invited for talks on the Eucharist
9:45 to 11:15 am after the Saturday 9 am Mass.
This month the presenter is Father Jacob Willig.
Breakfast provided by the
Knights of Columbus Council #3698
Knight's of Columbus Council 3698 will be sponsoring our March for Life Event on
Friday, January 24, 2025,
at Visitation of the BVM Church, Eaton.
The event will begin with
Mass at 9:30
Eucharistic Adoration from 10:00 am to 11:45 am including Confessions and then Benediction.
Father Gene will be presiding.
A free lunch will be served after the
Eucharistic Adoration.
This event is open to ALL parishioners of the
C1 Family of Parishes,
and the luncheon is free of charge.
However, we will be collecting voluntary donations for Birthright of Eaton.
Join us after the 5:30 pm Mass at Visitation of the BVM, Eaton for Father Jim's homemade Mariana Sauce.
There will be no cost for dinner.
Donations will be accepted
in honor of Matthew Bischoff
for support of our
Seminarians in the Archdioceses of Cincinnati.
Join us at Visitation of the BVM, Eaton the Second Saturday of every month for a talk on the Eucharist. January the speaker will be Father Jim Romanello. It begins immediately AFTER the 9:00 am Mass.
Please bring your donation of new or gently used blankets & new socks to Visitation of the BVM, Eaton the month of December.
We will be handing the blankets and socks to those in need on December 26 from 2-4 pm along with hot soup. We welcome anyone in need to stop in for these items.
December 14th at Visitation of the BVM, Eaton
All are invited for talks on the Eucharist
9:45 to 11:15 am after the Saturday 9 am Mass.
Breakfast provided by the
Knights of Columbus Council #3698
Holy Hours & Vespers
All begin @ 5:00 pm
Sunday, December 1st
St. John, New Paris
Sunday, December 8th
St. Mary, Camden
Sunday, December 15th
St. John, New Paris
Sunday, December 22nd St. Mary, Camden
Please join the
St. Mary's Ladies Society for their annual Christmas Party!
December 8 at 1 PM
LaRosa's in Oxford
*Cost is $12
*Optional $5 Gift exchange
*All Ladies in the C-1 Family of Parishes are invited!