The St. Anne Sodality provides Funeral Dinners, Community Dinners and Altar needs. Any lady over the age of 18 is welcome and encouraged to come. If interested or would like more information, please contact: Alice Rickard at (937) 456-1088
Name: | Parish/Organization: |
Kim Schmidt | Visitation of BVM, Eaton |
Amy Tousignaut | Visitation of BVM, Eaton |
Steve Eilerman | Visitation of BVM, Eaton |
John Toschlog | St. John, New Paris |
Dick Kutter | St. John, New Paris |
Karen Eales | St. John, New Paris |
Dave Kuhbander | St. Mary, Camden |
Vicki Mumma | St. Mary, Camden |
Wendy Pekarscik | St. Mary, Camden |
Mark Peterson | St. Mary, Oxford |
Debbie Crowder | St. Mary, Oxford |
Ray Mock | St. Mary, Oxford |
Geri Schick | Bereavement Chair |
Germaine Vonderhaar | Joint-Finance Chair |
Don Berger | Knights of Columbus |
Gleneeda Hoy | St. Anne Sodality - Visitation |
Debbie Petitt | St. Ann Sodality - St. John |
Vicki Mumma | Ladies Sodality - St. Mary, Camden |
Sharon Gaston | Ladies Society - St. Mary, Oxford |
Fr. Jedidiah Tritle | C-1 Family - Vicar |
Fr. James Romanello | C-1 Family - Pastor |
Jeanette Geeting | Director of Evangelization & Stewardship |
“Sing to the Lord a new song, who has done marvelous deeds. Sing praise to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and melodious song. With trumpets and the sound of the horn shout with joy to the King, the LORD.” -Psalm 98-1,5-6
IMPORTANT!! If you are a Youth, Please make sure to include one of your Parents/Guardians in any electronic communication with myself!! Thank you!!
“Sing to the Lord a New Song! Sing to the Lord, bless his name!” Psalm 96:1-2
Do you or your kids enjoy singing at mass? Why not join the 11:30a Visitation Adult or youth choirs! Each Choir sings 1-2 times a month and practices before mass the Sunday that we sing! If you or your child are interested in joining follow THIS LINK to fill out the 11:30 Choir interest form or email todd.ym@preblecountycatholics.
We are exciting to announce our Youth Mass every 1st Sunday at Visitation of the BVM at 11:30 AM. Please sign up to participate in this Celebration of the Eucharist. The sign up sheet is in the back of church. All youth are encouraged to participate and share of their talents! February 5, 2023 is the next Youth Mass.